Keep Your Business Growing in Uncertain Economic Times with these Website Overhauls

In times of economic uncertainty, businesses may feel overwhelmed and unable to compete. Fortunately, websites are a great way to get ahead and stay ahead of the competition. With simple updates and tweaks, a website overhaul can improve your online presence and help you attract new customers. The Lake Travis Chamber of Commerce understands how challenging it can be to figure out where to begin; here are a few tips on how to make the most of website updates to boost sales in uncertain economic times.

Direct Customers Where To Go

It's imperative to include clear calls to action throughout your website, especially on landing pages where customers enter your site from external links or ads. A good CTA should be easy to spot and convey the action that visitors should take next (e.g., “Sign Up Now”). Consider using buttons or other visuals with contrasting colors so they stand out from the rest of the page. In fact, color design should be a major aspect of your site, since it helps to boost accessibility.

Improve Navigation

The key to successful website design is providing an intuitive experience for visitors. Improving navigation by ensuring that all elements are easy to find will help customers quickly find what they need and keep them on your page longer. Make sure that menu items are clearly labeled, and consider adding a search bar for more direct access.

Share Customer Testimonials

Adding customer testimonials can be an effective way to market your business without relying solely on traditional advertising methods. Include real customer experiences that show how people have benefited from using your product or service. This can help build trust among potential customers who may be hesitant about making purchases during uncertain economic times.

Optimize Your Site

Search engine optimization (SEO) best practices are essential for any website looking to gain visibility online. This involves making sure that titles, headings, descriptions, keywords, and images are optimized for specific search terms so that you can rank higher on search engine results pages. Additionally, make sure all content is original – duplicate content will not rank as well in SERPs as unique content does.

Keep Things Interesting

Regularly updating content is important for maintaining relevancy and staying in front of potential customers’ eyes on search engine rankings pages, especially during sluggish economic times when many businesses are scaling back their marketing efforts. If time is tight, consider outsourcing content creation so you always have fresh material posted regularly onsite. This could include blog posts, newsletters, and social media updates.

Utilize PDF Tools For Signatures

PDF documents offer added security features such as password protection, which prevents unauthorized users from viewing sensitive information. This type of added security is particularly useful when dealing with financial documents or legal contracts which need extra protection. Not only that, but PDF tools also allow you to obtain secure signatures and can help customers fill out forms on your site. This is a great budget-friendly way to give both you and your clients peace of mind when it comes to sensitive information. Click for more details on how to use a PDF tool to obtain signatures.


Making changes to your website is a great way to stay ahead of the competition during uncertain economic times. Not only are there cost-efficient options, but there are also resources that can help you save time and keep important data secure, such as PDF signature tools. With a few smart decisions, you can keep your business strong even during difficult economic times.


The Lake Travis Chamber of Commerce can help you stay on track with your small business goals. Take a look at all we have to offer today!